DigiFiin Jodhpur

Mutual Fund


Grow Your Wealth with Our Expert Mutual Fund Solutions

Mutual funds pool money from investors with a common goal, investing in securities like bonds, equities, stocks, money market instruments, etc. Invest in them through Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) or make a lump sum payment. The risk level in these funds varies depending on the underlying asset. Hence, returns are not guaranteed. You can invest directly or through an Asset Management Company (AMC)/ distributors. AMCs are SEBI-registered institutions, who appoint fund managers to manage the assets and make investment decisions on the investor’s behalf. 

Advantages of Investing in Mutual Funds

Access to Expert Knowledge

Get access to professional guidance from experts, who will conduct thorough research to assist with decision-making.

Invest Based on Risk Profile

Analyse your investment needs, and choose mutual funds that align with your risk appetite and financial goals.

Meet Financial Goals

Browse from a range of mutual fund options to achieve specific financial goals like tax savings, retirement planning, home renovation, etc.